Sunday, 7 September 2014

Review product Wardah

Wardah Kosmetik
pernah dengar?
mungkin tak sefemas GarnierMaybelline, Simply Siti, Safi Balqis, Fair&Lovely etc
tapi saya sudah jatuh chinta sama ini produk

masa duduk kat Indonesia
ni la kosmeti paling ngetop dorg
Dari anak teruna dara, ke ibu ibu bapak bapak
sume lah suka sangat Wardah ni
kira tak sah la kalau rakyat Indonesia tak pakai Wardah.

Berkat duk sana..
ni la antara benda yang sempat angkut balik
[belakang tabir: banyak buang barang ma~~~~]

tak manyak pon

Friday, 20 June 2014

Nilai.. tunggu la kite

Hye n.n *lelambai
Everyone update their farewell party.
 Intership for 18 weeks officially ended today.
But not for us at Padang, Indonesia
As we start one week late than uoll guys
So we have one more lovely week  to spend here.

What gonna to do? hurmm
hang out with our wonderful and lovely Indonesian friends
also Malaysian medic students
traveling here, traveling there (Sumatra too big for us with limited time and money :p)
snap as much as possible pictures, selfie lagi
ejoying Indonesian special food
Variety Rendang; egg, chicken, beef, singkong, corn
supercheaper & Superyummy Pokat
lotek, pecal ayam/lele, sambal ijau that will make your tears flow
bakone, empek-empek, pempek gebu gebu
plus markisa and terung belanda that I never found before
Overall, I give 3 star
anatother two star keep for missing ummi's cooking and Malaysia food
and we shooping to finishing our Rupiah
 (*macam manyak sangat kan duit kitew..uhuk3)

nice place. nice view, nice people. nice foods. nice textiles
Even most of textile and shoes they take from Bandung (Berharap dapat g Bandung T.T),
but Padang tenung still cun la

Cukup la. Malas nak kasi uoll jeles

Wednesday, 26 March 2014


Make us feeling better
reduce stress
carve big smile on face
even we on sengkek time
we need to enjoy that moments 

Model pegang barang orang:)

Rupiah some time  make us fail to remember how much ringgit that we already invest at mall